Sarah E. Kleinman

art historian and curator

Forthcoming Book

In Favor of One’s Time: Locating the Curatorial Practices of Kynaston McShine, 1959–1999, accepted for publication at University of Arkansas Press. 


Paper: “Reimagining Minimalism: Kynaston McShine’s Contributions to Mid-1960s British Art and Architectural Narratives in ‘Primary Structures,’” New Directions in British Art and Architectural History, sponsored by the Historians of British Art, College Art Association Annual Conference, New York, scheduled for February 13, 2025.

Panel Chair 

Session: Narratives of Exile, Migration, and Movement in Contemporary Art, sponsored by the Society of Contemporary Art Historians, College Art Association Annual Conference, New York, scheduled for February 14, 2025.

In his 2011 essay “The Migrant’s Time,” Ranajit Guha casts diaspora as a temporal transgression, resulting in displacement and a rupture from shared pasts. This session invites papers that examine the ways in which art and curatorial practices intersect with experiences of displacement, migration, and cultural hybridity in contemporary art. Possible topics include:

  • How have arts practitioners represented narratives of exile and displacement? What visual languages and narratives emerge from experiences of forced migration and diaspora? How do these representations challenge dominant narratives of place and belonging?
  • How have artists navigated issues of identity in the context of migration and movement? How do their works reflect the complexities of cultural hybridity, diasporic identities, and the politics of belonging?
  • How do material choices and artistic processes intersect with memories of displacement and migration? How have artists engaged with objects, textures, and archival materials to evoke personal and collective histories of migration and exile?
  • How have curators engaged with narratives of migration, exile, and (post)colonial histories in exhibition-making? How have recent exhibitions served as sites of critical inquiry?
  • How have diasporic artistic practices challenged dominant narratives of migration, displacement, and colonial legacies? How have arts practitioners mobilized art as a tool for resistance, solidarity, and social change?

This session aims to critically examine narratives of exile, migration, and movement within the broader context of contemporary art and visual culture. We particularly encourage submissions from emerging scholars, curators, and artists.

“‘she walked in reverse’: Forced Migration, Diaspora, and Indo-Caribbean Identities in Suchitra Mattai’s installations,” Nicole F. Scalissi, PhD, California State University San Bernardino

“Creolizing Landscapes: Public Domesticity and Hiram Maristany’s ‘Island in the City,’” Serda Yalkin, PhD candidate, Duke University 

“Shifting Sands/Shifting Identities: Anh-Thuý Nguyễn’s ‘Thuy & Sand,’” Olivia Murphy, PhD candidate, University of Oklahoma 

“Aesthetic Conversions in the US/Mexico Borderlands: Artist Collective COGNATE and the Work of Migration,” Paloma Checa-Gismero, PhD, Swarthmore College

Manaf Halbouni’s Mobile Monument, Mobilistan and Mulți-Directional Migration,” Peter M. Chametzky, PhD, University of South Carolina

Topics: Contemporary
Topics: Art Practice
Topics: Exhibitions
Diaspora Studies
Topics: Migration 

Invited Speaker and Roundtable Discussant 

Around the Globe in 40 Careers: A Global Networking Event,” Young Professional Global Careers Networking Event, cosponsored by the University of Denver, World Denver, and the Colorado Fulbright Association, Denver, Colorado, 12 May 2024. 
Burwell Center for Career Achievement at the University of Denver

At this networking event for young professionals, I discussed my Fulbright project, “Exploring the Intersections of Culture, the Arts, and Secondary Education in Trinidad” (2018–19) and the ways it altered the trajectory of my research, teaching, and career. During fifteen-minute roundtable sessions, I facilitated dialogue and answered questions about the Fulbright program. Topics ranged from identifying a host country and developing research questions to the politics of serving as a cultural ambassador of the United States and collaborating with arts and cultural organizations while abroad. 

About the Event
At Around the World in 40 Careers, networking took on an engaging twist with career- and industry-themed tables. The young professionals in attendance had the opportunity to rotate between tables, engaging in focused conversations with professionals who have experience in various global fields including Fulbright, Peace Corps, Foreign Service, International Business, Trade & Commerce, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability.

Burwell Center for Career Achievement at the University of Denver, 21990 E. Ashbury Avenue, Room 340. Denver, Colorado 80210. 

September Chapter of the Month – Colorado, Fulbright Association Blog, 25 September 2024. 

Class Notes, Coloradan Alumni Magazine, University of Colorado at Boulder Alumni Association, 3 June 2019. 

Sarah Kleinman Receives Fulbright Award to Trinidad & Tobago, United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, press release, 16 April 2019. 

News of Members, Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC) Newsletter 50, no. 2 (Fall 2018): 8. 

The Wonder of Life by Harry Kollatz, Jr., Richmond Magazine, 23 October 2018. 

Alumni Spotlight: History Lesson, VCUarts Studio Magazine, Virginia Commonwealth University, 18 October 2018.

The Groundbreaking Art Career of Theresa Pollak at Reynolds Gallery by Karen Newton, Style Weekly, 25 September 2018.

Sarah Kleinman Develops Theresa Pollak Retrospective, VCUarts News, Department of Art History, August 2018. 

News of Members, Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC) Newsletter 49, no. 1 (April 2017): 9.  

Conceptual Artist Hans Haacke Exhibiting his Work at the Maier by Casey Gillis, Lynchburg News and Advance, 12 October 2016. 

Fall Exhibits Open Friday at Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College, Randolph College News, Lynchburg, Virginia, 28 September 2016. 

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